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Statusupdates die geplaatst zijn door Joshua

  1. Ik neem een pauze van het forum zodat ik op andere dingen kan focussen. Fijne kerstdagen iedereen

    1. LukyKrea


      Fijne kerstdagen 

  2. Welkom op het forum AnnaNas

  3. I have no peace, no quietness, I have no rest, but only turmoil.

  4. .....


    1. Joshua


      I have no peace, no quietness, I have no rest, but only turmoil.

  5. Generaal, waar ben je?


  6. Welkom op het forum!

    1. LukyKrea



  7. Heaven and Hell

    With the current knowledge of building devices with the matrials and knowledge we have at hand, we are not yet able to meassure these things with man made devices. The blind cannot lead the blind. Scientists make up all kind of stories about multi unversa/ dimensions and atheists proudly tell about. But God? No they hate that idea. See life as a computer program, outside that program is allot more but dangerous without Jesus.

    There are many testemonies and I also have one. The fact hell is eternal is because there is no time over there. Time barely exist in that place, you get stuck and God is not there. The only way I can decribe it is by saying: all the dread, doom and knowing you will never get out all weight on you at the same time.


    If you truly read about Jesus, then there’s no denying that he is in every way perfect. Never till his death did he fail. I am not forcing anything upon you but to love and forgive your enemies till the death of your body is God like. He defended the truth till the bitter end. For me he is my King, my Lord and the son of my God that resurected on the third day. His gift gave me the right to claim foregiveness of my sins. It is the most amazing gift someone ever left on this planet.



    Ain’t atheists like 3 years olds that stick fingers in their ears and scream? If I check your profile you appear to be an adult. As an adult society expects you to atleast keep posibilities open.

    If you truly read about Jesus, then there’s no denying that he is in every way perfect. Never till his death did he fail. I am not forcing anything upon you but to love and forgive your enemies till the death of your body is God like. He defended the truth till the bitter end. For me he is my King, my Lord and the son of my God that resurected on the third day. His gift gave me the right to claim foregiveness of my sins. It is the most amazing gift someone ever left on this planet.


  9. Nieuwe mensen aan het uitnodigen

  10. Former moderator and admin over 18 gaming crews containing over 4000 memebers total, and the head leader of 50 leaders and commissioners. Those where the days. For over two years the strongest alliance and leader there was in a gaming community. Fighting and infiltrating wars that affected over 60.000 players and destroyed 50+ crews

  11. Ik hoop dat het wat beter met u gaat. Ik heb u gemist hier

  12. Ik zie dat je niet erg actief meer bent op het forum. Ik wil je het beste wensen en hopelijk kom je nog terug 🙂

  13. Meer leden zou fijn zijn maar of het lukt? Recruitment weer in volle gang


    God I love you. I fear you. I make and made many mistakes. You show them to me and I feel sorrow. Every day you teach and everyday I find a way to grief you. I repent but it is a debt I can never pay.

    I believe your son Jesus came into the flesh, lived a sinless life and died for me. He took my sin upon himself so that I can have ever lasting life. I take and I accept your gift for forgiveness of sins. I thank you for this gift. Even though I want to repay you, I can't.

    I try to preach. But it ends in failure. You don't ask much from me. But what I do for you, is for you. Not for me. No God, you are a God that deserve everlasting praise.



  15. Welkom op het forum!

  16. Joshua

    Welkom op het forum!

    1. Lin


      Dankjewel Flieko!

  17. Een heel goed gebed dat ik graag met u wil delen.


  18. If I say, “Surely the darkness will hide me
        and the light become night around me,”
    12 even the darkness will not be dark(A) to you;
        the night will shine like the day,
        for darkness is as light to you.

  19. Doing recruitment work for the forum

  20. Het lijkt erop dat het forum op begint te drogen. Hier moet wat aan gedaan worden

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